Financial Accounting & Accounts Preparation for statutory purposes

Statutory accounts – also known as annual accounts – are a set of financial reports prepared at
the end of each financial year. If your company is small, a micro entity or dormant, you
might be able to send simpler accounts- get in touch for more information.
For all limited companies, annual accounts must include:
- A balance sheet – How much the company owns, owes, or is owed at the end of the
financial year.
- A profit and loss statement – What is the business’s net profit or loss.?
- Notes about the accounts.
Depending on the size of your company, you can also need to include:
- A directors report
- An auditor’s report.
AD Accounting will make sure your statutory accounts meet either International Financial
Reporting Standards or New UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
Speed-up your statutory accounts with AD Accounting

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